Sabtu, 28 Desember 2019

Westwood Village, Circa 1983 --- and saying goodbye

Westwood Village, circa 1983

After 12 years posting on this blog, I've decided the end of the decade is a good time to call it quits.

Blogging still felt like a new thing back in 2008, when I first started capturing images of living in and experiencing Los Angeles. Over the years, I've read much better material, and seen much better images, than I'll ever be able to to write or capture. 

I've tried to integrate my faith in various posts. Certainly, some attempts better than others. I definitely have a greater appreciation for those who write professionally - which, to do well, is very hard. 

I started this blog when my wife, kids, and I lived in Los Angeles 2005-2010. When we moved in 2010, a friend asked how long I'd keep the blog up. I said until I ran out of photos. As I often am back in the area, that's never really happened. In fact, I have a slew of photos from last August that just never got posted. Oh well. 

I'm hoping to post some highlight photos on Instagram. New decade, new format, but the same idea. 

Thought I'd close out with a final photo from Westwood Village, circa 1983 (photo credit, Los Angeles Public Library). Love this photo. As a student at UCLA, living just a few blocks from where this photograph was taken, I was able to experience Westwood Village in its heyday. Good times. 

© 2019

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